Wednesday, June 27, 2012

I wanna...but I'm scared!


I am on Pinterest A LOT! (just ask my husband)
I am always saving these sewing tutorials.
I have a whole board devoted to just sewing projects {click the link to see them all}
I have lets say...5-7 different skirts that I want to try but I am so scared.

I tried this tutorial once, the first time i broke out my sewing machine.
And it was a complete FAIL. Had to give it to my niece b/c it was so small.

I havent taken my sewing machine out since. I've had it over a year!

I REALLY want to make some maxi skirts for when school starts.
I love wearing them-
They wash & dry so easily.
I won't worry if they get a little grubby from the kiddos at school b/c they were inexspensive.

So here is the one I REALLY want to do now from

Does anyone think I could actually do this?

How hard is this project for a newbie sewer?

What was the first sewing project you took on? What is a sewing delite? Or a sewing fail?

Happy Wednesday y'all!


  1. Lauren - you could absolutely make this skirt! I think this would be a great starter project!

    Jersey knits are great for skirts because they are flattering and comfy to wear, easy to care for, and (the best part) knits do not fray - so you won't have to "finish" any of your edges or seams - yay! This is a HUGE timesaver, especially when you are just starting out. Another plus, if the finished skirt is too long, you can simply cut off the access length; no need to hem! Yay! :)

    Just keep in mind that knits can be tricky to sew. A few tips for sewing with knits: you will want to use a "ball point" needle (the package will say specifically designed to sew knits) - you will want to sew slowly - your machine may have a "knit stitch", if not, use a zig zag stitch (this will allow your fabric to stretch a little). I've found that spraying my knits with spray starch before I sew them really helps to keep them from stretching too much.

    Good luck mumma! I'm excited to see what you create!


    PS... shoot me an email if you need any help! :)

  2. Go for it!! try it girl! You got this!!!!
