Wednesday, February 29, 2012

We temporarily interrupt this blog....


Yes, that's right ladies & gents! 
Eli has a severe sinus infection,
 so bad that his lymph nodes are swollen 
& he has bronchitis on top of that.
 It is not so fun in this house right now.
 I am trying to keep him away Ben Henry so he doesn't get sick too. 

I am really hoping I'm back to blogging tomorrow...

PS: The peanut butter is what I give him a spoon of after he takes his "yucky" medicine as he would say.
Ya know, whatever works. 
The Diet Coke is for me :)

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Play along everyone's doing it..

Here is yet another gentle reminder that …GFC  will be going Adios very soon…
If you are following Warm & Fuzzy through Google Friend Connect,
you will need to switch to another option…
like NOW!

There are several new ways to keep up with me and my shenanigans-

Your options are:
LinkyFollowers- look very similar to GFC

or you can choose

So pick one and follow me! I'll follow you back if ya leave me a comment! 
Cross my heart! :)

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Nursery Rhyme Themed Birthday

Today I am featuring the cake from the Nursery Rhyme theme birthday party, my friend Jessica, threw for her daughter Miley's 3rd birthday!
Happy Birthday Miley! This cake was made my the talented Jenny & Jenn! 
The Jenny I speak of, is the same Jenny who has made the cakes featured
Make sure you check out those links. Jenny & Jenn make the best looking and best tasting cakes!

The fondant characters on the cake featured below are so adorable you have to check them out!
I was so excited with the character I forgot to take a picture of the top with Miley's name on it. Oops!
On the cake they showed, Humpty Dumpty, Little Bo Peep, The Cow Jumping Over the Moon, The Dish Running Away with the Spoon, The Three Blind Mice, & Three Men in a Tub.

Humpty Dumpty was so precious!

Rub-a-Dub-Dub, Three Men in a Tub!

And the Dish ran away with the Spoon!

Humpty Dumpty again..I loved him!

Three Blind Mice!
How cute are their walking sticks?

Make sure you come back tomorrow! I'll be featuring all the decorations and cute food ideas from the party!

a to zebraA Diamond in the Stuff

Linky Followers Blog Hop~ Jump on In!

Everyone is having a big ole hissy fit becauseGFC
is disappearing at the end of this month for all non-blogger blogs.

So...I found a Linky Followers blog hop on kadydiddesigns and decided to join up!

Linky Followers if just like the Linky tool that everyone uses for linky parties, and now they have a tool so that you can follow blogs. And I can keep track of all of my lovelies as well! Yay for linky tools!!

Sit on down and Join the blog hop!

1. You must have the LINKY FOLLOWERS tool on your site to participate.
Don't worry. It's free to sign up and its easy peasy!

2. It would be very nice to follow the person who has the party on their site as a thank you.

3. Just add your blog button to the LINKY PARTY below.
( there is a linky at the bottom)

4. Then you follow other bloggers–(as many as you want)

If you want, you can add the Blog Hop to your own blog! You can find the code right under the Linky Party where it says click here to enter–just under that it says: What is a Blog Hop? Get the code here. Click on get the code here and enter it into a post on your site.

It's always nice to leave each one of the blogs that you follow a comment letting them know you are following them and ask them to follow you back. We all love comments and it's fun meeting new bloggers!Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Southern Saturday- I'm bringing it back!

Last year when I started the blog I tried to get a series up and running called {Southern Saturdays}I am bringing it back and at the perfect time. There is SO much going on in and around New Orleans and in Louisiana.

Southern Saturdays is all about the great things I love about being from the South/New Orleans. The foods, the culture, the people, just being here. Each Saturday I'll do something different. So many people have a certain {picture} of what they think {southern} is and hopefully this will give a little insight into what we are really like.

This week in our school and in our classrooms we have been learning about Louisiana and its history. Each grade learned what was appropriate for their grade level. Since I teach preschool and Eli is in preschool, I wanted to share what projects and crafts we have been doing.

Donut, King Cakes
Buy 1 Dozen glazed donuts
 spritz with some water
sprinkle with purple, green, and gold sugar
{we even hid plastic babies like the ones below in them}

We cut out the center of the paper plate and seperated the plate into even sections. 
Painted them purple, green and yellow, then sprinkled them with the same color glitter.
We then clipped it to a larger sheet of paper with other New Orleans related items.
Music notes, fleur de lis, & dubloons. 
The 2nd picture below shows the blurb we pasted to the top of the sheet.

You can't see the eyes on top but this is an alligator, simple to make. 
Long oval folded in half, sticky foam noodles for teeth, cotton balls for eyes and circle stickers for eyes
Easy Peasy!

State Flower: The Magnolia
Four Cotton Balls bunched together, glued on to your color choice of paper
use yellow paper and a hole punch for the center of the magnolia
for the leaves, we used to the kids fingerprints
{I think this could really be any flower and could be used as a mothers days gift}

Friday, February 24, 2012

Friday 5 {vol 6.} Random obsession

{It's time for the Friday 5}

5 things, 5 people, 5 words, 5 projects, 5 combos 
of any of these that are making you happy!
 Everyone share them here!

Here are my 5 random obsessions this week

1. Movie Obsession: Something Borrowed
The reason I am obsessed with this movie is b/c of the actor in this photo above
OMG I watched the movie on T.V last week and have watched it every time it was on since.
HE IS SO HOT. His name is Colin Egglesfield.

2. Shoe Obsession: Toms Ballet Flats
I want them all. I haven't purchased any yet b/c I cannot decide which ones I want
I am a flip flop girl but these are calling my name loud and clear!

3. Clothing Obsession: J.Crew Shorts
I love love love these shorts. Their website has the shorts in a much brighter color yellow
 but I love the butter yellow.
Gotta find these!

4. Health Obsession: I work out!

This week lent started. I am not giving something UP. I am doing something BETTER for myself.
I will be doing some sort of excercise at least 5 days a week...and repeating this in my head daily.

5. Craft Obsession: Spring Decor
I cannot wait to decorate my house for Spring. I am over the cold weather.
 I cannot wait to break out the flip flops.
I cant wait to see pastels- pink & green! Yay Spring!!

Happy Friday Everyone!
Anyone have any obsession lateley?
Or am I the only one?

Thursday, February 23, 2012

The Last 13 Things...

I am linking up with Aunie Sauce & The Life of the Wife for
The Last 13 Things

Here is the list & links of the last 13 websites/blogs I have visited!

1. Blogger
Where my bloggity blog blog is at home.

2. Twitter
Gotta keep up with the peeps!

Well, because I'm addicted.

4. Craftaholics Anonymous
Craftaholics Anonymous
Linda is one the best bloggers around she always answers my
questions, emails, and tweets,and never leaves a newbie hanging

Jen, tweeted me one night and encouraged me to start my own blog
I did! Thanks Jen, bet she doesn't know that LOL

6. The Craft Monkey
My Louisiana friend turned Cali girl.

7. Etsy
where I go to window shop

one of the first blogs i ever started reading

this maybe my favorite button ever!
makes me laugh ever time!
10. Bubblewrappd
andrea and I may have been twins in another life.
11. A Girl and a Glue Gun
A girl and a glue gun
Love this blog b/c I am a newbie sew-er and I will break 
out my glue gun just so I don't have to sew 

I love Natalie, that's why I read the blog.
And she's pretty darn crafty too :)

13. Aunie Sauce
Aunie Sauce
I am a new follower of Annelise's blog  but find myself  LOVING everything she posts.
Especially these 13 Thursdays.

So these are my last 13 websites/blogs I've visited..
There are plenty more that I visit each day, probably to many but  I am loving blogging these days.
.I love that I have made friends in the blog community and that my tiny blog has been welcomed in.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

wordless wednesday- Mardi Gras Day- "Fat Tuesday"

Our Mardi Gras Recap in pics

me & the boys


kept them occupied for awhile

eli wanted a pic with dominic


really bad

Ben Henry's half smile

Becca & Dominic

We had an AWESOME time celebrating Mardi Gras with our friends. 
Cant wait until our beach trip with them in May!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Winner Winner....Ding Ding Ding...

I didn't think that I would have time to blog until tomorrow night...but we stayed home tonight to rest before tomorrow...the BIG DAY!

Its Mardi Gras in NOLA. We have been non-stop parade going since Friday night. Brian is leaving at midnight, with some friends,  to stake out "our spot" we will meet him tomorrow morning around 8 am with the kids.

Friday night ended my Plexus Slim Giveaway- and since Heidi@TheCraftMonkey was the only person to enter...well she was the winner...

HEIDI GIRL!! Email me your new addy so I can mail it out to ya! And get ya slim on!!

Off to make cookies to eat on the parade route tomorrow!!!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Friday 5 {vol.5} Barnyard Party Ideas

{It's time for the Friday 5}

5 things, 5 people, 5 words, 5 projects, 5 combos 
of any of these that are making you happy!
 Everyone share them here!

Here are my 5 party crafts/ideas 
I am working on for Ben Henry's 2nd birthday!
We are calling it
"Ben Henry's Barnyard Backyard Bash"

Stick Horses & Cowboy Hats from
Rope Name from Dixie Delights
Love this burlap & gingham banner from
Want to make a "B" in Bandana material
 like this wreath from

To many pics to post, I {LOVE} everything about this party!
from Kara's Party Ideas

Happy Friday Everyone!
Hope its a great weekend for y'all!

It's a long weekend /week for us
Mardi Gras is this upcoming Tuesday!
We are off Mon, Tues, & Wed.
Yay for a much needed break!