Today is a quick tutorial on how to cutify a chair in about 20 minutes start to finish!
First, you need a cute chair.
Mine was a $5 plastic chair from Wal Mart
bought for our many beach trip this summer.
Then I chose a design I liked on my Silhouette.
I didn't take pictures of this step b/c I think its self explanatory.
If you don't have a silhouette, ask some one who does, it takes NO TIME at all
and this is such a cute project.
The above vinyl is for a friends birthday gift!
Next step was to just place it on the chair and RUB!
See, I told you!
and if you don't take forever choosing the perfect font for the name, like I do
it should take less than 20 minutes start to finish!
Here's the vinyl I did for my boys chairs.
Happy Thursday!
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