Thursday, March 29, 2012

Thankful Thursday...linking up with Aunie Sauce again b/c she rocks

I am linking up with the super cool AunieSauce today .
13 things I am thankful for.

1. Brian  2. Eli  3. Ben Henry

4. my parents

5. my mother-in-law

6. my sisters

7. my close group of school friends

8. my job

9. my students

10. my home

11. financial stability

12. my extended family

13. LOVE

This was a very sappy/thoughtful post but I am thankful for each of these people/things in their own way.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Ben Henry's Barnyard Bash! He turns 2!

Thanks to  eighteen25 for the printable!

The Setup-
The Cake, Tractor Wheels-Oreos, Haystacks-Rice Krispie Treats,
Farm Animal Cookies
Each child took home a cowboy hat & a stick horse or cow!

Printables I made with my Silhouette & graphics by ScrappinDoodles

Hope you all enjoy! I had lots of fun planning this party and he is STILL loving all the leftovers from the party. We have stick horses and cows, balloons, and stuffed animals. He still tells his cow balloon hello each day when we walk in.
Love, love love him even more than before as a 2 year old!
He seems like such a big boy now.
(on day 4 of operation no paci)

A Diamond in the Stuff

Long time No post!

The Colors of my Mind

I needed a break. I took a break. I hope you all understand. Didnt have much to post about
I was feeling pretty blah most days.
Wanted to be "present" in what was going on in my home
. Had lots of changes going on in my head, and school as well.

But I'm back.

Ben Henry's barnyard bash post will be up tonight/tomorrow. I am THRILLED with how it all came out.
My cousins 8 year old said it was the best party he had ever been to. He wore his cowboy hat out to dinner after the party, and to the mall the next day. She said he even wanted to wear it to school on Monday, but he thought it didnt go with his uniform! LOL! I'm so glad he had that much fun! I hope everyone who attended did as well!

Come back tomorrow for the recap and lots of pictures!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Happy St.Patricks Day

I have no cute saying no cute pics I am running around like a chicken with my head cut off there is cow print and farm stuff house! I am taking pictures when I can. I am also trying to get report cards done too! What was I thinking when I decided to have Ben's party the same week as report cards were due? Genius I tell you! GENIUS!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

I'm back...yet again....

So that only took..4 days... ughhh I hate viruses! Thanks for being patient with me...while I've be on my blogging break. I have been doing LOTS of stuff for Ben Henry's 2nd birthday. I started working on the stick horses and cows. Yes, I know, you cant ride a cow but the boy loves cows so a stick cow he will have! I am making a table runner and a wreath with some cow print fabric I found. Things are coming along. I hope to have a tutorial up soon for the stick horses/cows. See you guys soon...Happy almost weekend!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Now my computer is sick...

So my kids are well but now my computer is sick... I have some kind of virus...trying to get it fixed ASAP... please bear with me... typing on iphone.... not fun....

Friday, March 9, 2012

Follow Along Friday! Pinterest Party!

Pinterest is lovely. Don't you just love the inspiration? The many hours of time spent gathering the details of your home, your office, your shop, your space, your life?
I want to follow along with YOU! so, come... link up! Let's share & have fun!

Thanks to our fabulous host Aimee from

this week these 3 fabulous bloggers & me

  are co-hosting along with Aimee!

Tickled Pink at 504 Main

how to connect:

1: follow our main host Aimee on Pinterest - the other the featured ladies linked up below

Holly @
Natalia @
 Taryn @

also make sure you are following me if you are not yet
Follow me @


3: go check out all of the other links and follow along. come back in a few days & check out a couple more!

4. IF you want to share our little get together, please tweet: “love Pinterest? follow along with @byAimeeSki today at & link up.” or you can always tell your peeps on Facebook too!
thanks for stopping by today. we look forward to following along with everyone that links up!

Follow Along {with me} by adding your Pinterest Profile URL

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Friday 5 {vol.7} St. Patricks Day Party Ideas

5 things, 5 people, 5 words, 5 projects, 5 combos 
of any of these that are making you happy!
 Everyone share them here!

This week I am sharing ideas that I have found via Pinterest & other great blogs
for my sister. She is hosting a St.Patrick's Day birthday party for my nephew Jackson.
Its his 3rd birthday on the 17th, and we thought it would be a great idea.

Here are some great ideas I have found.

Happy Friday everyone!!


Oh so cute Jersey from Etsy seller nufdog
Cute Polka Dot Garland from Etsy seller A Felt Affair

Table Decor from
Whatcha' working on? 
What's makin you happy this week?
Have a great weekend!!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Eleven Things

 Andrea @ Bubblewrappd tagged me so here we go! Yay! I love games like this...

Random picture of me- and Brian too! Photo booth shot from Cousins wedding

Eleven Random Things:

1. I am a cheek biter- when I am bored, nervous, anxious, sleepy, whatever, I bite the inside of my cheek. All the women in my family do it.

2. I L-O-V-E Baked Sour Cream and Cheddar Ruffles- L-O-V-E.

3. I always said I would NEVER live in my hometown and I couldn't wait to get the HELL out and guess where I live- less than 10 minutes from my Mom & Dad. 

4. I H-A-T-E feet. H-A-T-E. I can deal with hubs, and my kids feet but anyone else's no frickin way...ick, they creep my out, even baby feet, just gross...eww feet.

5. I have weird thoughts that I will be a complete disappointment to my parents- Why? Not sure I have always done right by them, but somehow I feel like I will fail them.

6.I have a pacemaker...yes you read that right. Take it in. 

7. I hate that my children are in constant competition with my sisters kids in my mothers eyes.

8. I miss my Father in Law more than I thought I ever would. 

9. I am so over this school year and its only march ( pss...don't tell anyone)

10. Everyday I tell myself I will do better about eating and healthy choices instead I drink diet coke.

11. I love my boys more than life itself and wouldn't trade them but I sometimes think it would be cool to have a baby girl!

Eleven Q's & A's (Courtesy of Andrea @ Bubblewrappd)
What's your favorite pizza topping(s)?
 pepperoni & green peppers

2. If you could re-do your wedding, what would you do differently, and why? 
Cut two of my bridesmaids, the ones I chose are no longer close to me and were not very good to me in the end.

3. Cats or dogs? 
DOGS, I thinks Cats are the sneakiest things EVER. They scare me to no end!

4. What is your favorite thing to make for dinner? 
 Chicken & Spaghetti and of course you can have the recipe, its easy peasy!

5. What is your cocktail of choice?
Usually Malibu and Cranberry juice but just recently I have changed  to Crown royal and Seven Up.

6. How many scars do you have on you, and what are they from? 
OMG, this is gonna take awhile. Lets's see. 1st- on my right forearm- jamming it into a cabinet when I was about 13. 2nd- I had a pacemaker implanted when I was 19 because I had heart problems. (I'm good now- another post about that) 3rd- I had my gallbladder removed.

7. If you could replace any one thing in your house right now, what would you replace? 
THE CARPET! Its sooo gross, with the kids and their sippy cups and food messes...I cannot wait till this phase is over and we get wood floors.

8. What do you usually eat for breakfast?
Diet that bad?

9. What's your favorite flavor of Girl Scout cookies? 
Samoas HANDS DOWN, I think I had a box last night for dinner...I mean a few..I mean a half a box...ok I ate the damn box!

10.Winter or summer?
Summer! I am a flip flop girl...sweaters are great but I live in the South and I am made for sweet tea and a porch ya cant do that in the cold.

11. How many pieces of jewelry are you typically wearing on a regular day?
lets count shall we....1,2,3,4,5. 5 it is. Wedding ring, Mignot Faget ring, Earrings, watch, and necklace.

You're it!

Heidi @The Craft Monkey

Natalie @ Johnny in a Dress

Annelise@ AunieSauce

Jen @ Four Marrs One Venus

And anyone else who'd like to join in!
  • Post a random picture of yourself
  • List 11 random things about yourself
  • Answer the 11 questions I've posted above
  • Ask 11 new questions
  • Tag your friends

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Southern Saturday {vol 9} Southern State of Mind

Friday night I went to the Lady Antebellum concert.
The opening act was Darius Rucker aka HOOTIE, of Hootie & The Blowfish.
I gotta say. Hootie rocked it out!
As I was listening to him play, he played this song I had never heard.
I immediately thought- "Southern Saturday!" Here's why-

                                                            Southern State of Mind- Darius Rucker
I was up in New York City just the other week
You should've seen the waitress face when I ordered sweet tea
She said we don't have that here and I apologized
I said please forgive me I'm in a southern state of mind

And those girls out in California they don't understand
They don't like it when I hold the door or when I say yes ma'am
They act like I done something wrong and they give me the evil eye
I say honey I'm sorry I'm in a southern state of mind

I could be anywhere
In my heart I'm always there
Where they drink sweet tea and they raise you to be polite
No changin' who I am
That's the way I've always been
No matter what state I'm in
I'm in a southern state of mind

I'm always walkin' round tellin' everybody hi
Just a wavin' at the strangers in the cars passin' by
Some people may look at me and say that boy just ain't right
Hey y'all I ain't crazy I'm in a southern state of mind

You can see it in the clothes I wear, you can hear it when I talk
Ball cap, boots and jeans and a little southern drawl
I could be up in Ohio or back home in Caroline
No matter what state I'm in
I'm in a southern state of mind
Don't matter what state I'm in
I'm in a southern state of mind
A southern state of mind

It might be my new favorite song. It truly explains being southern, in a non-southern area.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Friday 5 {vol.6} Top 5 Wreaths

{It's time for the Friday 5}

5 things, 5 people, 5 words, 5 projects, 5 combos 
of any of these that are making you happy!
 Everyone share them here!

This week I am sharing my 5  favorite wreaths!
I need a new one for my door but just cant decide what to make right now

I have found all of these via Pinterest, or blogs I follow!

ItzFitz on Etsy
I would love this, in aqua & red for my kitchen!

The Simple Standard on Etsy

Just scared to put this outside with NOLA humidity!

So which is your favorite?
Whats making your day happy? Share your 5 happy things!

Thursday 13- linking up again

Once again I am linking up with auniesauce for

Aunie Sauce

Today topic is :13 of your favorite ways to spend time.
I tweaked mine to show you how I am spending my time these days, not necessarily my favorite all time..

Reality TV! Mini-Jersey Shore!

Yes, I know it is sucking away my brain cells one at a time but I cannot get enough of  trashy reality TV- Jersey Shore, Real House Wives of Wherever, Dancing with whatever celebrity, The Voice. Yes, my DVR is very busy.
Babies on the brain!
I gotta kick this habit! Brian and I are DONE having babies!
But I even have a Pinterest board devoted to "reasons to have a girl"
I still think about have a baby girl, REALLY want to have a baby girl sometimes, but then  I get back to reality.

Yes, this is the puzzle piece symbol that is used specifically for Autism, and although I don't only teach children with autism I love its message.
The children I teacher maybe different but they are certainly not less!
 I try to find a piece of time everyday, no matter if it was a trying day or not, to pray for, to think about, or to do something for, the fight for these children to be accepted by their peers, and society in general. 
I love to plan a good party.
From theme, invitations, decorations, to theme foods, down to clothes to wear.
I love love love to plan a party.
I spend lots of my time doing this for friends!

I admit it I am an addict. But you know you are too. Just admit it!
I will spend hours, even though I am ashamed to admit that finding inspiration from here.
I love to craft with whatever EXTRA time I have.
I have not made crazy cute projects but some of them have been pretty cute in my opinion.
I do enjoy the process!

I am in LOVE with my Kindle.
How or why I ever read a book without one is beyond me. I seriously love mine.
 I am reading more now than ever. Its how I spend A LOT of time. Reading, reading, reading.

At this time I am totally in to planning our upcoming trip to Disney World.
I love looking at the resorts, dinners we can plan, rides we can go on.
I love sharing these with the boys too.
( I might be slightly on the obsessive side with this)

NOLA, proud to call it home!
We love to spend time being tourist in our own home town.
Going to different restaurants, hanging out at different night spots,
 bringing the boys to the zoo, aquarium, children's museum.
Finding unique places to shop that are locally owned. Anything to bring back our city.

You knew this would be on the list!

I love anything to do with our tigers! I will watch Football, baseball, basketball, gymnastics, golf anything. to do with LSU
Love Purple, Live Gold!
Geaux Tigers!


Seriously, I love to blog. It is therapeutic, it lets me vent, express myself. and gives  me an outlet.
It has also allowed me to meet the MOST AMAZING group of people ever!

Just plain ole' PLAYING with my boys.
Cars, trucks, puzzles, painting, play-doh, wrestling on the floor
whatever they wanna do is fine by me.

Spending time with these people.

a few of you are not pictured, and you know who you are, but this is the best pic I could find :)

Being at home with all my boys