Thursday, March 24, 2011

Migraine inspired post....

While in bed most of the afternoon and ALL night last night due to the worst migraine I have had in a LONG time I began thinking of thing that could help relieve some of the pain I was having. Now, besides being migraine free, I need something to help with the pain. I usually rely on an ice pack or a cold towel. Well, if I have to be in pain maybe I should look cute or stylish while I am doing it. So that leads me to this post.

Stylish and Cool Migraine managent:

Chick-sicles! Frozen rice filled chickies! to help sooth the pain

A warm and fuzzy eye mask to keep the light out!

There are are few apps you can download on your smartphone to help you relax as well that can talk you through a migraine. I persoanlly cannot stand talking when the pain is that bad. I use sleep pillow, which is a great app that relaxes me enough to help me fall asleep and then I am able to hopefully get rid of the headache. Hope none of my friends struggle with migraines..or anything like this. Most people think its like a headache but anything that can put you in bed for over 8 hours straight is not "just a headache"


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the feature and, more importantly, I hope you feel better soon!
