Monday, June 6, 2011

Happy Monday! So glad I can say that, now that its summer!!

This week is going to be CA-RAY-ZY for us.

This is our schedule. I opened my store on Etsy, Warm and Fuzzy Blog Shop but it has no items in it yet. I am really hoping to be able to make at least one banner each day/night so that I can start stocking the shop, but we will see how that goes. I really want to get this up and running. I really hope it all works out. If there are any specific type banners/pennants that anyone would like to see PLEASE email/twitter me and I will see what I can do!

Swimming lessons for Eli each morning Monday -Friday 8 am (who said that early was OK?)

Monday- Swimming lessons, free day!!!

Tuesday- Swimming lessons, Swim day at the Country Club from Maw Maw's birthday with all the family

Wednesday- Swimming lessons, Zoobilation- after hours @ the zoo for members!

Thursday- Swimming lessons, Fountain Blue State Park- Splash Park for lunch with friends for playtime!

Friday- Swimming lessons,  free day!!!

Saturday- We have a engagement party for a cousin and a birthday for my aunt

Sunday- Free day!!

See! I told you we were busy! LOL

Again!  If there are any specific type banners/pennants that anyone would like to see PLEASE email/twitter me and I will see what I can do! I would love to have new and fresh items in my shop that will draw some people in!!


  1. Yea! Congrats on opening your shop! That is so exciting! :)

  2. Geaux Lauren! Can't wait to see what's in store for your shop!
