
Friday, July 26, 2013

Happy Insta-Friday!

Holla! It's Friday! and that means its time to link up with the lovelies at Life ReArranged for

life rearranged

This week is a MESS of pictures
I've got pics of the kiddos, pics of things I've found online for friends & family, not so nice things, and very very funny things, so sit back and just look at the pics.
Everyone knows that is the most fun- looking at every one's life!
Grab some coffee, diet coke, or hey its Friday, grab a drink!
Take a peek into my life this week!
Apparently this week was a big week for me online :)
I was into Pinterest a lot as well. Spent a lot of time there and found things that made me think of family and friends. Some of these pins have not such great language so excuse that- but they immediately made me take a screen shot and text it to a friend.
{you know who you are }
Some days, I really crack myself up Phwaa!!
On Wednesday or Thursday I got an email from The Chirping Moms, that I had won their giveaway and I won this!
Yay! No more broken pack n play for us!
So exciting! Since Ryan is our last baby
 we were just going to make do with our messed up Pack n Play.
 Now we don't have too!
Yay for giveaways! and yes people do actually win! ;)
In other news- Mr. Seriousness was 11 weeks old on Wednesday! We had a tiny photo shoot!
Again we had some Tummy Time, again, he was less than thrilled!
And today was the best day of all!!
Yay! Momma feels human again!
 A full nights sleep!!
Happy Friday!!


  1. That's a great prize to win! What perfect timing.
    And those pins crack me up, good finds.

    1. I know awesome prize right? I crack myself up on Pinterest! :) Thanks for stopping by!

  2. I run just like that too! Haha. I am stopping by from InstaFriday linkup. Have a great weekend!

    1. Hope you had a great weekend...Sorry I am just getting back to you...I have been such a slacker with my running..maybe that's why I run like that ;)
